Guide to isurv

How to find what you need

To find what you need and use the site more effectively and efficiently, you can:

Shortcuts to help you use isurv more effectively

Open links in a new window
isurv is built to web accessibility standards, so when you click a link it opens in the browser you are already viewing isurv through. To open a link in a new tab, perhaps to compare pages, hold down the 'Ctrl' key at the same time as clicking the link on Windows, or 'Command' on Mac.

Find a term in a page
To find a particular word or term in a page or PDF, hold down the 'Ctrl' key and the 'F' key on Windows, or 'Command' and 'F' on a Mac. This opens a small search box, which (when you type your term) searches down the page and highlights the term.

Quickly get to the top or bottom of the page
On Windows, use the 'Home' key on your keyboard to go straight to the top of any page. Use the 'End' key to go to the bottom. On a Mac, use Fn-Left Arrow to go to the top of a page, and Fn-Right Arrow to scroll to the bottom.

Find specific RICS professional standards and information

If you know the title of the guidance (or some key phrases), the easiest way to find it is by using the search box at the top right of every page.

Alternatively, isurv provides a full alphabetical list of all RICS professional standards and information in PDF form.

You can access interactive versions of key guidance suites using the RICS professional guidance menu on the right hand of the screen.

Case law summaries

If you know the title of the case you want to find more about, try the search box at the top right of every page, or see the alphabetical list of cases available on isurv.


As well as thousands of pages of expert commentary, isurv includes related resources available from the right-hand menu of every page. Depending on where you are on isurv, the list of resources changes to show only what is relevant.