Features archive
- Cavity wall problems: bug or feature?
- Co-working spaces: advice for landlords
- Commercial property law FAQs: conflicts of interest
- Commercial property law FAQs: double rent, expert witness, fixtures
- Commercial property law FAQs: unpaid rent, virtual assignment, wheel clamping
- Commercial property managers: sustainable requirements
- Connectivity: importance of sustainable digital infrastructure
- Customer regulations: hidden impact of EU regulations
- Electrical safety: advice for surveyors
- Electronic Communications Code: assessing proposed new code
- Electronics communication code: the need for guidance
- Empty property risks: fly-tipping, metal theft and squatting
- Equality: improving gender balance at senior levels
- Equality Act and building managers’ responsibilities: Occupants with mental health needs
- Estate agencies: what does the future hold?
- Estate agencies: what does the future hold?
- Health and safety: improving public perceptions
- Health and safety: lone workers
- Health and safety: risk and punishment
- Health and safety: risks posed by rats
- Health and safety site risks: on-site issues
- Homebuying and letting: opportunities
- Houses in multiple occupation: true running costs
- Housing: assessing the market
- Housing and health: hazards at home
- Housing market: retirement villages
- Housing market issues: Vancouver, Canada
- Housing space standards: imposing requirements
- Pathology: identifying structural movement
- Professional indemnity insurance: consequences of lower premiums
- Property auctions: online
- Property crowdfunding: impact on market and professional services
- Property fraud: controversial case decision
- Property letting and Airbnb: challenges for landlords and tenants
- Property owners and Airbnb: seeking legal advice before letting
- Refurbishment: challenges and solutions
- Rent and repair: liabilities and obligations
- Residential: checking a seller’s solvency
- Residential: home safety certificates
- Residential: hybrid estate agency model
- Residential: increased SDLT on additional properties
- Residential: problems faced by older people
- Residential: re-using empty property
- Residential: tenancy deposit schemes
- Residential building surveyors: requirements of domestic clients
- Residential construction: off-site manufacture
- Residential conveyancing: buyer beware
- Residential drain surveys: using a certified surveyor
- Residential EPCs: impact of new requirements
- Residential flats: lease extension process
- Residential property fraud: minimising the risk
- Residential Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm (England) Regulations 2015
- Residential surveys: drains
- Residential valuation: comparable evidence and rationale
- RICS guidance: the renting sector
- RICS residential policy: property prices and the rental market
- Scotland: empty homes
- Scottish housing: challenges for refurbishment
- Service charges: Daejan v Benson
- Social housing: surveyors' expertise
- Social media: growing real-estate business digitally
- Student accommodation: risks and opportunities for investors
- Subsidence and old mine workings: underground dangers
- Sustainability standards: health and wellbeing