Features archive
- Abolishing section 21
- Accessibility: European focus
- Accessibility: impact of Part M
- Accessibility: welcoming everyone
- A changing skillset: tomorrow's competencies
- Achieving excellence: history and heritage
- Adjudication: natural justice, enforceability of awards and costs
- Adjudication: the paying party's rights
- Affordable homes: being policy-compliant
- Affordable homes: learning from America
- Affordable housing: repairing the system
- Agricultural disputes: the business of land
- Agricultural land: ownership in Europe
- Agricultural management: managing farmland
- Agricultural property
- Air pollution: monitoring and improvement
- Airspace ownership: development issues
- An efficient workspace: air and heat
- APC: assessor advice
- APC: building pathology
- APC: conservation and restoration
- APC: ethics, Rules of Conduct and professionalism
- APC: Loan security valuation
- APC: presentation and interview
- APC: process explained
- APC: receiving your results
- APC: referrals
- APC: role of supervisor and counsellor
- APC: Rules of Conduct
- APC: the critical analysis
- APC: the interview
- APC: training
- APC: upcoming revisions
- APC: written submissions
- APC candidates: understanding sustainability
- APC competencies: accounting principles and procedures
- APC competencies: analysis of client requirements
- APC competencies: building control pathway revised
- APC competencies: Business planning and Accounting principles and procedures
- APC competencies: client care
- APC competencies: communication and negotiation
- APC competencies: construction technology and environmental services
- APC competencies: design and specification
- APC competencies: Design economics and cost planning
- APC competencies: development/project briefs
- APC competencies: Fire safety
- APC competencies: health and safety
- APC competencies: housing maintenance, repair and improvements
- APC competencies: inspection
- APC competencies: insurance
- APC competencies: outcomes of review
- APC competencies: procurement and tendering
- APC competencies: project financial control and reporting
- APC competencies: quantification and costing of construction works
- APC competencies: revisions to land pathways
- APC competencies: sustainability
- APC competencies: Team working and Data management
- APC competencies: works progress and quality management
- APC final assessment: tips for success
- APC guidance for candidates: contract practice competency
- APC pathways and competencies: forthcoming changes in 2018
- APC process
- APC process – No gain without pain?
- Approved documents: adapting for digital
- Arbitration: a new approach: Restoring arbitration
- Arboreal capital: environmental planning
- Archaeology: getting historic sites recognised before development
- Archaeology: prompting proper project planning
- Artificial intelligence: impact in the workplace
- Asbestos: reducing risk in soil on brownfield sites
- Asbestosis claims: implications for employers and insurers
- Ash dieback: changing the landscape
- Asking the membership: plans for the future
- Asset management: dealing with uncertainty
- Asset management: embedding aspirations
- Asset management: Royal Mail
- AssocRICS: pathway to membership
- Attention and upkeep: chimney maintenance
- At this rate
- Avoiding disputes: resolution procedures at the outset
- Back to our roots: our dependence on land
- Basement extension case law: Chaturachinda v Fairholme
- Basements: enforcing waterproofing standards
- Bat conservation: good practice for conducting surveys
- BCIS data: cost estimates
- BCIS inflation indices: mitigating risk on projects
- Being good: ethics and the profession
- Belt building: housing and green space
- Better design: integrating fire engineering
- Big data: benefits for real estate
- Big data: digitally representing the physical landscape
- Big data and the built environment: challenges and applications
- BIM: accuracy and Level 2 BIM
- BIM: challenges of geo-enabling
- BIM: cyber defence measures required
- BIM: first legal case
- BIM: implications for refurbishments
- BIM: land administration challenges
- BIM: risk management during a project’s life cycle
- BIM: technology advances
- BIM: UK progress
- BIM adoption: 2017 research
- BIM and building surveying: laser scanning
- BIM and commercial property: opportunities for property professionals
- BIM for building surveyors: background to new guidance note
- Biodiversity: key laws and policies
- Biodiversity funding: new models
- Blockchain and proptech: wider implementation
- Blockchains: development of modern financial tech and cadastres
- Blockchain technology: property transactions
- Block management: specifying the right lighting and planning for maintenance
- Boundaries: protocol for dealing with disputes
- Boundary disputes: unbiased work
- Brexit: deal tracker
- Brexit: outlook for construction industry
- Brexit: RICS UK rural land priorities
- British homes: new energy efficiency standards
- Brownfield redevelopment: preventing delays
- Building adaption: keeping pace with a dynamic real estate market
- Building assessment: computer modelling
- Building conservation: conservation skills
- Building conservation: level of expertise at risk
- Building control: accessibility and Part M
- Building control: adopting BIM
- Building control: BBA certification
- Building control: checking for non-compliance
- Building control: international benchmarking
- Building control: partnerships
- Building control: Wheelchair-accessible homes
- Building control in Australia: builders employing certifiers
- Building control in Australia: emergency lighting
- Building control in Australia: energy performance
- Building control in Australia: extreme weather
- Building control in Australia: issues raised by apartment fires
- Building control in Australia: recording data
- Building control surveying: worldwide reform
- Building conversion: exploiting opportunities
- Building data: assessing the estate
- Building defects and responsibility: Scottish schools
- Building evacuations: means and alternatives
- Building history: bricks and mortar
- Building information models – A new dimension
- Building in Quality initiative: achievements
- Building pathology: identifying structural movement
- Building pathology: lead paint
- Building pathology: PCBs
- Building pathology legal aspects: civil and criminal
- Building Regulation: inspectors and local authorities
- Building Regulations: condensation
- Building Regulations: consequences of overlooking responsibilities
- Building Regulations: declining application
- Building regulations: ensuring compliance
- Building Regulations: policing zero carbon policies
- Building Regulations Part Q: security regulation and approval
- Building safety: specifying and applying fire-stopping products
- Building services: terminology
- Building surveying: career paths
- Building surveying: educational needs for the profession
- Building surveying: leading technical investment strategies
- Building surveying: planned maintenance
- Building surveying: vapour control
- Building surveying and drones: developing technology
- Building surveying careers: changes to the pathway
- Building surveying careers: encouraging future generations
- Building surveys abroad: challenges in Denmark
- Built environment: aiming higher
- Business rates 2017 revaluation: Check, challenge, appeal system
- Business rates: 2017 revaluation
- Business rates: land and real estate
- Business rates: options for change
- Business rate valuation: the Netherlands’ approach
- Business valuation: implications of changes in the USA
- Busy but fulfilling: reflections of an award winner
- Buy to let: policy changes
- Capital allowances: cash flow benefits
- Capital allowances: office-to-resi conversions
- Capital gains and inheritance tax: non-UK residents not exempt
- Careers: promoting a diverse talent pool
- Case law: problematic terms
- Causes of damp: building design, failure and occupants' lifestyle
- Causes of damp: poor design
- Cavity wall problems: bug or feature?
- Cavity walls: fixing defects
- CDM Regulations: issues raised by the 2015 changes
- CDM Regulations: what do the 2015 changes mean?
- Change management
- Change management: change can be good
- Change management: costs, delays and risk
- Change management: project’s lifecycle
- Change management: safeguarding the future of our planet
- Charging infrastructure: opportunities and challenges
- Chimney maintenance: fixing the problems
- Churches: cutting carbon emissions
- Churches and bats: roosting habits
- Circular economy: role of facilities manager
- Cladding: strengths and weaknesses of different types
- Clean homes: new reports
- Client money: risk-based approaches
- Climate change: challenges facing built environment professionals
- Co-working spaces: advice for landlords
- Coal mining: property risks
- Combustible cladding: Australia and New Zealand
- Commercial developments: planning challenges
- Commercial energy ratings: technical review
- Commercial EPCs: improving a building's energy rating
- Commercial investors: risk management in the property market
- Commercial management: enabling innovation
- Commercial management: major works at airports
- Commercial occupiers: keeping up with changing requirements
- Commercial property: cycle storage and smart technology
- Commercial property: dealing with rough sleepers
- Commercial property: sound investments
- Commercial property law FAQs: conflicts of interest
- Commercial property law FAQs: dilapidations, EPC, forfeiture
- Commercial property law FAQs: double rent, expert witness, fixtures
- Commercial property law FAQs: exclusion, yielding up, the law never sleeps
- Commercial property law FAQs: guarantor, human rights, injunction v damages
- Commercial property law FAQs: guarantors, hedgerows, interest
- Commercial property law FAQs: Jervis v Harris clause, keys, liquidation
- Commercial property law FAQs: joint tenants, keys
- Commercial property law FAQs: light obstruction notice, mesne profits, notices
- Commercial property law FAQs: Misdescription, nominees, occupiers’ liability
- Commercial property law FAQs: PACT, quiet enjoyment
- Commercial property law FAQs: pre-packs, enfranchisement, rateable value
- Commercial property law FAQs: rectification of contracts, service charge reconciliation, telecoms
- Commercial property law FAQs: Service of applications, without prejudice, experts
- Commercial property law FAQs: unpaid rent, virtual assignment, wheel clamping
- Commercial property law FAQs: Yielding up, zero rates
- Commercial property management: health and wellbeing
- Commercial property managers: sustainable requirements
- Commercial real estate: devolution and rates
- Commercial sustainability: green bonds
- Commercial valuation challenges: Middle East
- Company voluntary agreements: profit and loss
- Compensating for compulsory acquisition
- Compulsory purchase powers: mandatory behaviours
- Conflicts of interest: 2018 mandatory requirements
- Conflicts of interest: RICS professional statement
- Connectivity: importance of sustainable digital infrastructure
- Conservation: retaining and sharing skills
- Conservation: retaining and sharing skills
- Conservation and renewal: restoration in Westminster
- Conservation philosophy
- Consortium of European Building Control
- Construction: asbestos in soil
- Construction: CDM roles
- Construction: improving innovation
- Construction: the backbone of the backbone
- Construction and 3D printing: application in the industry
- Construction and demolition: controlling noise
- Construction bonds: managing risks
- Construction case law: Building Regulations and giving expert advice
- Construction case law: liabilities of project monitors and construction professionals
- Construction case law: payment notices
- Construction challenges: future uncertainties
- Construction contingencies in infrastructure
- Construction debt: true culprits
- Construction FAQs: letters of intent
- Construction industry progress: factors crucial for success
- Construction law myths ... 'time at large'
- Construction measurement
- Construction procurement: Asian construction market
- Construction procurement framework: ProCure22
- Construction project performance: BIM
- Construction projects: accounting for inflation
- Construction projects: capable leadership
- Construction projects: learning from mistakes
- Construction resources: mineral shortages
- Consultations: communication and proptech
- Contesting lease renewals: when would a surveyor be involved?
- Contract administration: role comparisons
- Contract administration: successful project management
- Contract details: practical issues
- Contractors' status: legal issues
- Contracts: agree clear contracts before commencement
- Contracts: collaboration and communication
- Contracts: handling varations under JCT11
- Coordinating construction: ensuring safety
- Coral: a natural approach
- Corporate decision making: new insights
- Corrupting business: the Bribery Act 2010
- Corruption in construction: an ongoing battle
- Cost planning: rail works
- Crossrail: lifting legislative provisions
- Customer feedback: importance of reviews
- Customer regulations: hidden impact of EU regulations
- Cyber attacks: mitigating risks in the property and construction sector
- Cyber security: protecting connected buildings
- Damp: use and occupation of dwellings
- Damp in basements: causes
- Damp in basements: ground condition surveys
- Dampness in homes: types of humidity
- Data in real estate: a valuable asset
- Data management: improving project performance
- Data protection: ensuring compliance with new regulations
- Data standards: linking RICS and proptech
- Data strategy: understanding infratech
- Deer herding: history and economics
- Defective premises: key cases
- Defects: cladding systems
- Defects: complying with revised regulation
- DEFRA: Ben Goldsmith interview
- Degree apprenticeships: students and employers
- Demographic change: ageing homeowners
- Design and build contracts: poor management?
- Design economics and cost planning
- Development: cases on restrictive covenants
- Development land: fly-grazing horses delaying sales
- Development land: viability assessments and affordable housing
- Digital infrastructure toolkit: London
- Dilapidations: 2017 landmark case
- Dilapidations: advising on legal matters
- Dilapidations: alternative way of resolving disputes
- Dilapidations: negotiation advice
- Dilapidations: residential rulings
- Dilapidations: resolving disputes quickly
- Dilapidations: reviewing the 7th edition
- Dilapidations: RICS dispute resolution scheme
- Dilapidations: rulings on landlords' obligations
- Dilapidations: vital role of specialist surveyors
- Dilapidations: what is supersession?
- Dilapidations claim: Civil Procedure Rules
- Dilapidations claim: issues of disclosure
- Dilapidations insurance: reducing uncertainty about costs
- Dilapidations rulings
- Dilapidations schedules of condition
- Dirty money: reducing risks
- Dispute resolution: arbitration over other methods
- Dispute resolution: far-reaching changes in practice and philosophy
- Dispute resolution: independent experts
- Dispute resolution toolkit: rural property
- Diverse workforce: making it a reality
- Diversity: construction industry
- Diversity and inclusion: benefits
- Diversity and inclusion: benefits
- Documenting land: replacing traditional technologies
- Domestic fires: preventing fatalities
- Drafting technical documents: possible pitfalls
- Draft legislation: ecosystem services
- Drainage: tall buildings
- Driverless vehicles: impact on the retail and logistics sector
- Drones: regulation post-Gatwick
- Drone surveys: challenges in desert environments
- Earthquakes: poorly designed and constructed buildings
- Ecological surveys: avoiding development delays
- Ecosystem services: commerical deals for natural capital
- Education and training: built environment students
- Electrical safety: advice for surveyors
- Electronic Communications Code: assessing proposed new code
- Electronics communication code: the need for guidance
- Employee ownership: ensuring succession at your firm
- Employer's agent: clarifying the role
- Employers: managing poor performers
- Employment: difficulties when dismissing employees
- Employment: employee grievances
- Employment: liability for harassment
- Employment law: social media
- Empty houses: a national scandal?
- Empty property risks: fly-tipping, metal theft and squatting
- Energy efficiency: benefits of behavioural change
- Energy efficiency: building a home to the Passivhaus standard
- Energy efficiency: building technology
- Energy efficiency: English and Scottish legislation
- Energy efficiency: first energy-positive building renovation
- Energy efficiency: improvements in existing buildings
- Energy efficiency: offsetting carbon in London
- Energy efficiency: overheating and ventilation in homes
- Energy efficiency in traditional buildings: understanding design
- Energy House: accuracy in energy
- Energy management: network energy charges
- Energy performance: improving the Standard Assessment Procedure
- Energy performance: initiative for new homes
- Energy saving: choosing internal wall insulation
- Ensuring success: business insurance
- Environmental data: collection and assessments
- Environmental monitoring: using drones
- Environment draft: London Plan and Environment Strategy
- Equality: diversity
- Equality: gender diversity and project management
- Equality: improving gender balance at senior levels
- Equality Act and building managers’ responsibilities: Occupants with mental health needs
- Equestrian development: green-belt regulation
- Equipment theft: taking preventative measures
- Estate agencies: what does the future hold?
- Estate agencies: what does the future hold?
- European research: energy efficiency
- Eviction: removing trespassers living on your land
- Evolving business: a fresh approach
- Exposé: missing cavity barriers
- Facilities: flexible working challenges
- Facilities management: a game-changing collaboration
- Facilities management: being strategic
- Facilities management: compliance and quality service
- Facilities management: holistic view of asset performance
- Facilities management: Single-use plastics
- Facilities management pilot scheme: helping innovation
- Farm business tenancies: background to the RICS Agreements
- FIDIC: are changes a help or a hindrance?
- FIDIC: changes to the Rainbow Suite
- Financial issues: seeing the signs
- Fire alarms: mitigating risk
- Fire detection: a new standard
- Fire detection and alarms: revised standards
- Fire detection professionals: new qualifications
- Fire engineering: common problems
- Fire engineering: different methods
- Fire inspection: defect identification
- Fire prevention: installing sprinklers in the UK
- Fire protection: full-frame structural fire engineering
- Fire safety: a holistic approach
- Fire safety: assumptions made in construction of buildings
- Fire safety: benefits of sprinklers in schools
- Fire safety: different models
- Fire safety: ensuring structural resilience
- Fire safety: having the relevant information
- Fire safety: high-rise fires in United Arab Emirates
- Fire safety: improvements for Approved Document B
- Fire safety: international standards to create consistency
- Fire safety: key criteria
- Fire safety: maintenence schedule
- Fire safety: material testing
- Fire safety: open plan flats
- Fire safety: responsibility and liability
- Fire safety: roles and responsibilities
- Fire safety: room by room
- Fixtures and fittings: composition and risk
- Flexible working: joint ventures
- Flood defence: building quality and construction
- Flooding: adapting to the rising challenge
- Flooding: changing land-use practices
- Flooding: Earth Observation satellites
- Flooding: have concerns been addressed?
- Flooding: new plans to protect properties
- Flooding: promoting resilience
- Flooding: recovering from damage
- Flooding: repairable approaches
- Flooding: soft skills and flood repair
- Flooding: surveyors and flood risk mitigation advice
- Flooding: techniques for drying property
- Flooding: UK’s first amphibious house
- Flooding: using geographical data to predict floods
- Flooding prevention: glacial lake outbursts
- Flood risk: planning for climate change
- Floors: reinforcing beam and block floors
- Fracking: underbalanced drilling can address concerns
- From valuation assistant to FRICS: a career transition
- Future talent: RICS initiatives for the next generation
- Georgian building: Bath museum extension
- Giant hogweed: regulations to help battle invasive weeds
- Global cities: different approaches
- Global construction: 2018 snapshot
- Global infrastructure: making up the deficit
- Global Infrastructure Initiative 2018: challenges
- Globalisation challenges: diversity is key
- Good conduct: guidance and direction
- Grant submissions: automated validation
- Green Guide: changing field of sports grounds
- Green infrastructure: projects around London
- Green leases: learning from Australia
- Green power: biomethane
- Green roofs: improving mental health
- Ground-source systems: correct installation
- Growing on trees: forest management
- Growth: economic and environmental
- Hazardous inspections: the Never Never
- Heads of terms: potential pitfalls
- Health and safety: access to files
- Health and safety: CDM Differently
- Health and safety: controlling noise on construction sites
- Health and safety: improving public perceptions
- Health and safety: lone workers
- Health and safety: risk and punishment
- Health and safety: risks posed by rats
- Health and safety: subcontractor management
- Health and safety: threat of urban gulls
- Health and safety: understanding responsibilities
- Health and safety and corporate manslaughter: new sentencing guidelines
- Health and safety issues: planning ahead
- Health and safety site risks: on-site issues
- Health and safety site risks: pre-visit issues
- Heathrow third runway: planning and legal challenges to come
- Heathrow third runway: planning and legal challenges to come
- Heritage: protecting the historic environment in Wales
- Heritage: reminders of a troubled past
- Heritage assets: legislative context
- High street lettings: new avenues
- High street rentals: challenges and solutions
- Historic buildings: laser scanning developments
- Historic buildings: quinquennial inspections
- Historic concrete structures: 9,000 years of building
- Holistic energy data: benefits
- Homebuying and letting: opportunities
- Home surveys: new standards
- Houses in multiple occupation: true running costs
- Housing: assessing the market
- Housing: UK crisis and policy responses
- Housing and health: hazards at home
- Housing and planning: provisions for the 2016 Act
- Housing and Planning Act: key changes in the Act
- Housing construction
- Housing crisis: accounting for real estate
- Housing crisis: causes and interpretations
- Housing market: retirement villages
- Housing market issues: Vancouver, Canada
- Housing space standards: imposing requirements
- ICMS: combining technological advances with international standards
- ICMS: update on progress
- Inclusive design: defective design
- Inclusive design: overlooked items in new developments
- Inclusive design and accessibility: can more be done?
- Inclusive employers
- Industrial simulation: developing skills
- Inflation indices: Crossrail’s procurement strategy
- Inflation indices: new price adjustment formulae
- Infrared thermal imaging: benefits to surveyors
- Infrastructure: fitness for the future
- Infrastructure delivery: going digital
- Infrastructure in America: federal, state and private
- Inspection: challenges in high-end homes
- Insulation issues: what to do?
- Insurance-backed guarantees: pros and cons
- Insurance: claims against surveyors
- Insurance: dangers of underinsurance
- Insurance: is your business sufficiently insured?
- Insurance Act: understanding the changes fully
- Insurance and records: post-retirement considerations
- Insurance claims: impact of the Enterprise Act
- Integrated management: space and property
- Intelligent asset data: barriers to adoption
- Interest: expansive policy
- International Construction Measurement Standards: global benefits
- International Construction Measurement Standards: small businesses
- International Ethics Standards: Q&A
- International Land Measurement Standards: challenges for land transaction
- International Land Measurement Standards: fit for purpose
- International standards: development of IPMS
- International standards: improving comparability between projects
- International standards: why are they important?
- International Valuation Standards: main changes
- Invasive plants: European regulations
- IPMS: adoption in the Middle East
- IPMS: effect on professional practice
- IPMS: Industrial
- IPMS: introducing Residential Buildings
- IPMS: residential valuation
- IPMS made simple
- isurv Infrastructure: what does the new channel offer?
- Ivory: a global issue
- Japanese knotweed: why do surveyors need to be aware?
- Japanese knotweed and residential property: diminution in value
- Japanese knotweed case law: surveyors' responsibilities
- Japanese knotweed case law: surveyors' responsibilities
- JCT 2016: overview of major changes
- JCT contracts: reviewing the 2016 changes
- Joint ventures: advice on types
- Land administration: quick and affordable security of tenure
- Land and investment: improving access in low-income countries
- Land governance: 2030 goals
- Landlord and tenant: new protocols and lease applications
- Landlord and Tenant Act 1987: consequences of breaching the Act
- Land management: improving biodiversity
- Land matching in England
- Land measurement: adopting a global standard
- Land measurement: creating consistency
- Land purchasing: agreement terms
- Land reform: changes in Scotland
- Land valuation systems: land rights
- Land value: finding a price
- Land value capture: what are the priorities?
- Lease-accounting standard: impact on commercial property
- Lease renewal: implications for re-instatement clauses
- Legal questions: additional work
- Legal questions: assigning leases
- Legal questions: buying unregistered land
- Legal questions: chattels or fixtures and fittings
- Legal questions: claiming blight
- Legal questions: claiming loss and expense
- Legal questions: contractor claiming extra costs
- Legal questions: expert witnesses and conflicts of interest
- Legal questions: how to mark communications
- Legal questions: impact of heat regulations
- Legal questions: interim payments
- Legal questions: landlord moving from residential to commercial property
- Legal questions: liquidated damages
- Legal questions: rectification to meet specified standards
- Legal questions: revaluation and statutory compensation
- Legal questions: rights of light
- Legal questions: selling enveloped property
- Legal questions: status of the defects list
- Licensing protected species: ending exclusion
- Lift maintenance: refurbishment or replacement
- Living with dementia: best practice
- Local authorities: collecting address and street data
- Local energy: cost-effective decarbonisation
- Local schemes: explaining the jargon
- Logistics: the link between homes and warehouses
- Logistics property market: changes
- Maintaining limework: practical advice
- Management advice: dealing with drug and alcohol issues
- Manchester renovation project: collaborative working
- Manchester renovation project: conservation issues
- Manchester renovation project: effectiveness of BIM
- Manchester renovation project: the vision, the team and BIM
- Mapping
- Mapping: established land rights
- Mapping: helping investment decisions
- Mapping: preventing damage to overhead power lines
- Mapping and geographic data: harnessing solar energy
- Mapping coastal heritage: understanding climate change impacts
- Market distortions: energy efficiency
- Measurement: measured building surveys - A handy device
- Measurement and monitoring: refurbishment at Trinity College
- MEES: commercial property rental rates
- MEES: encouraging landlords to do more
- MEES: government guidance
- MEES: how are landlords preparing?
- MEES: impact on dilapidations claims
- MEES: implications and role of surveyors
- MEES: mitigating associated risks
- MEES: mitigating risks
- MEES: raising the standards
- MEES: what valuers need to know
- Mental health: support in construction
- Mineral ownership: overview
- Minerals: past and future UK trends
- Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards: pressure on landlords
- Mink initiative: invasive species control
- MMC: progress and dangers
- MMC: quality assurance
- Modernise or die: the industry's future
- Modular construction: embracing off-site construction
- Modular construction: social housing
- Money laundering regulations: impact on estate agencies
- Money management: a healthy industry
- Natural hazard data: property risk
- Natural investment: Scotland and Finland
- Natural resources: growing demand
- NEC4: reviewing the changes
- Negligence: liability timescale
- Negligence claims: better decisions
- Negotiating lettings: appetite for standardisation
- Negotiation and construction: improving skills and upholding ethics
- Negotiation skills
- Neighbour disputes: mediation
- Neighbourhood planning: challenges
- New camera technology: improved water management
- New forests: planting the future
- New home case studies: linking good design and value
- New homes: overheating
- New schemes: energy investments
- New software platform: building open-source data
- No money down: deposit-free schemes
- Notices changes: landlords and letting agencies
- NPPF: a new direction
- Nuisance: applying old rules to modern cases
- Party wall disputes: the third surveyor
- Party wall practice: impact of RICS' ethics
- Party walls: an avoidable costly award
- Party walls: implications of recent case
- Passivhaus standard: comparison with traditional designs
- Pathology: identifying structural movement
- Payment: is a standard needed?
- Payment notices: key issues and pitfalls
- Payment retention: impact and alternatives
- Persistent vigilance: ending forced labour
- PII: covering theft and fraud
- PII: potential pitfalls
- Planning: digital models and data
- Planning: value of a place
- Planning and development: using Coal Authority data
- Planning and the private rented sector: reducing the housing deficit
- Planning applications: potential effects on the environment
- Planning challenging in London: 3D interactive model
- Planning laws in England: acronyms
- Planning policies: implementing sustainability
- Planning policy: unintended consequences
- Planning the streets: health and fitness
- Politics and regulation: understanding the nuances
- Professional competencies: simulating research
- Professional ethics: countering corruption
- Professional indemnity: state of the insurance market
- Professional indemnity insurance: assessing the fallout
- Professional indemnity insurance: consequences of lower premiums
- Professionalism: risks to reputation
- Professional statement: commercial service charge code
- Project costs: certainty through certification
- Project failure: lessons learnt and risk management
- Project management: agile methodology
- Project management: basic principles
- Project management: lean techniques
- Project managers: get the right apps
- Property assets: reasons to audit
- Property auctions: online
- Property crowdfunding: impact on market and professional services
- Property fraud: controversial case decision
- Property gains: new changes
- Property letting and Airbnb: challenges for landlords and tenants
- Property owners and Airbnb: seeking legal advice before letting
- Property rights: retaining works of cultural value
- Property technology: facing the future
- Proptech: attitudes to adoption
- Proptech: how to stimulate infrastructure development
- Public-sector asset managers: challenges and approaches being taken
- Public and private: learning from Scandinavia
- Public forests: management standards
- Ratepayers: check, challenge, appeal system
- Real estate assets: regenerating communities
- Recruitment and skills: increasing competition
- Redevelopment: lease renewal
- Reducing costs: detecting objects
- Refurbishment: breathable renders
- Refurbishment: challenges and solutions
- Regulating the façade: fire safety
- Regulations and fire safety: implementing recommendations
- Relief work: mapping disaster zones
- Remote satellites: monitoring and defence
- Remote sensing technology: monitoring ground movement in London
- Renewable energy
- Renewable energy: changes to government subsidies
- Rent and repair: liabilities and obligations
- Reporting crime: member obligations
- Residential: checking a seller’s solvency
- Residential: home safety certificates
- Residential: hybrid estate agency model
- Residential: increased SDLT on additional properties
- Residential: problems faced by older people
- Residential: re-using empty property
- Residential: rights of light complexities
- Residential: summarising RICS policy
- Residential: tenancy deposit schemes
- Residential building pathology and damp: building defects
- Residential building surveyors: requirements of domestic clients
- Residential client selection: avoiding litigious clients
- Residential construction: off-site manufacture
- Residential conveyancing: buyer beware
- Residential developments: issues related to the Highways Act 1980
- Residential drain surveys: using a certified surveyor
- Residential EPCs: impact of new requirements
- Residential flats: lease extension process
- Residential property fraud: minimising the risk
- Residential property fraud: money laundering
- Residential Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm (England) Regulations 2015
- Residential surveys: drains
- Residential valuation: comparable evidence and rationale
- Responsibility: benefits of a diverse workplace
- Retail and leisure: designing around people's habits
- Retail property: 2017 revaluation may offer hope
- Rethinking emergency: trust and resilience
- Retirement: costs and benefits
- Retirement: winding up a practice
- Revising competencies: a new road
- Revising standards: coherent clarification
- Rewilding projects
- RICS Africa summit: smart cities
- RICS guidance: the renting sector
- RICS insight: healthier space
- RICS membership assessments: research on performance
- RICS property measurement: changes in the 2nd edition
- RICS regulation: fostering confidence
- RICS research: client expectations
- RICS residential policy: property prices and the rental market
- RICS valuations: flexible office space
- Rights of light: determining infringements
- Rights of light: developments subsequent to the RICS guidance note
- Rights of light: RICS guidance overview
- Rights of light insurance: property development
- Rising rents: a surveyor investigates
- Risk assessment: commercial property
- RSPB: asset valuation
- Rural: development research
- Rural: encouraging responsible farming practices
- Rural: farming forecast
- Rural arbitration: background to RICS guidance note
- Rural arbitration: RICS service and procedural rules
- Rural business: policy changes
- Rural businesses and glamping: opportunities
- Rural policies: priorities after Brexit
- Satellite monitoring: identifying defects
- Schedule of services: court ruling
- Scotland's derelict sites: transforming unused land
- Scotland: empty homes
- Scotland field sports: at risk after policy changes
- Scottish building standards: fire safety
- Scottish housing: challenges for refurbishment
- Scottish rural issues:land use in the uplands
- Security: creating secure, well-designed buildings
- Security risks: essential crime prevention
- Selling UK land: useful tax points for landowners
- Service charges: Daejan v Benson
- Shale gas: possible environmental impacts and risk
- Sharing data: costs and benefits
- SKA: reducing risk and increasing success on a project
- Ska rating: University College London
- Ska rating for higher education: adoption in the industry
- Skyward: mapping the city
- Small business rates relief: getting the right advice
- Smart buildings: health and wellbeing
- Smart buildings: impact of construction industry
- Smart cities: big data to improve city life
- Smart cities: business plans
- Smart cities: dealing with big data
- Smart rubbish: IT and waste disposal
- Social housing: surveyors' expertise
- Social media: growing real-estate business digitally
- Social value: exploring the concept
- Soft landings framework: the principles
- Soil, air, water: developments and opportunities
- Soil: impact on daily life
- Solar panels: installation risks
- Sound insulation: new advances
- Sports ground safety: understanding responsibilities
- Stamp duty land tax: who will benefit from seeding relief?
- Standard contracts: evolution of Ts and Cs
- Standard review: monitoring members' feedback
- Staying clean: heat and damp
- Strategy: procurement scenarios debated
- Student accommodation: risks and opportunities for investors
- Sub-prime lending: PII implications
- Subsidence and old mine workings: underground dangers
- Successful cities: urban planning
- Supply chains: changing VAT
- Supply chains in construction: fulfilling all tax liabilities
- Surface repair: the costs of cutting corners
- Surge protection: household appliances
- Surveying Hong Kong: different paths
- Surveying in Guyana: traditional techniques
- Surveying in Malaysia: expanding the market
- Surveying profession: apprenticeships
- Surveyor tech: productivity at work
- Sustainability: placemaking and social value
- Sustainability: rating systems
- Sustainability: whole life carbon
- Sustainability and real estate: lending risk
- Sustainability standards: health and wellbeing
- Sustainable drainage: surface water flood resilience
- Sustainable procurement: benefits
- Sustainable refurbishment: Pinnacle House
- Tax: rules for profits from trading in or developing land
- Tax and real-estate structures: restrictions on interest deductibility
- Taxation: VAT costs of building to rent
- TDD: vendor surveys
- Tech and climate: changing work
- Tech benefits: land registry and governance
- Technology: creating a digital presence
- Technology: future impact on surveying
- Technology: harnessing data to boost output
- Technology: redefining how buildings are defined and constructed
- Technology and residential property: shaping the future
- Technology and surveying: how to thrive in a digital future
- Telecoms: legal implications of the Electronic Communications Code
- Telecoms law: new revisions
- Terracotta building: maintenance and protection
- The circular economy: affordability and resilience
- The employer's agent: what do they do?
- The green office: collecting the data
- The modern office: predictive workplaces
- The red atlas: a world of hidden details
- The right to light: legal clarification
- Thermal imaging: diagnosing damp
- Timber: problematic work
- Timber floors: installation and ventilation
- Town planning: new research
- Traditional buildings: better treatment and understanding
- Training: benefits of internationally minded surveyors
- Transferable development rights: international applicability
- Transforming stadia: competition to community
- Trees: cases concerning damage
- UK building stock: challenges to maintain progress
- UK energy challenges: generating power
- UK flood management: considering China's approach
- UK housing supply: members' responses
- UK housing supply: more members' responses
- UK minerals strategy: Meeting demand
- UK offshore renewables: encouraging investment
- UK tax: going digital
- UK zero carbon targets: retrofitting for energy efficiency
- Uncertain future: Brexit's effects on agriculture
- University of Glasgow: working with surveyors
- Unoccupied commercial property: insurance
- Unoccupied premises: opening the market
- Upholding standards in surveying: RICS disciplinary process
- Urban infrastructure and balancing lifestyles: Whitechapel. London project
- Urban land: ecosystem services
- Urban population growth: alleivating water run-off problems
- Urban resilience: building protection
- Urban resilience: what does it mean?
- US market: professional opportunities
- Vacant properties: dilapidation and repair
- Valuation: addressing sector challenges
- Valuation: impact of dynamic data
- Valuation and hotels: importance of local and sector knowledge
- Valuation for affordable housing
- Valuations accuracy: keeping records
- Ventilation: reducing fire hazards
- Verbal agreements: how valid are they?
- Viability appraisals for planning: importance of market evidence
- Virtual reality: advantages of technology
- Virtual reality in construction: is it here to stay?
- Waste management: award-winning centre
- Waste regulations: re-using materials
- Water: managing global water resources
- Water penetration: First World War cemeteries
- Waterproof coatings: problems protecting traditional buildings
- Wildlife protection: developer incentives
- Wiring regulations: 18th edition
- Woodland planting: securing income and grants in Scotland
- Working at height: reducing the toll
- Workplace green space: biophilic design
- Workplaces: sensor technology
- Workplace well-being: steps for employers
- World Heritage Sites: overtourism