Red Book guide

RICS Valuation – Global Standards (Red Book Global Standards) is the leading set of practice guidelines available internationally to the valuation community. This section complements Red Book Global Standards by providing additional practical commentary on the interpretation and implementation of some of the most important provisions.

This section is a perfect companion for all valuation professionals. It covers duties under the standards relating to:

A range of frequently asked questions and guidance on common problems with reports will help valuers to avoid pitfalls. The Red Book Global Standards route map provides pointers on key issues to be considered at each major stage of a valuation.

All references are to RICS Valuation – Global Standards effective from 31 January 2022and the UK national supplement 2018, effective from 14 January 2019.

The reader should be aware that an updated UK national supplement was published in November 2023 and is effective from 1 May 2024. Although these changes are relatively minor, they must be taken into account when preparing valuations from May 2024 onwards.

Note that the RICS Valuation – Global Standards are being updated to align with the forthcoming revised International Valuation Standards and will be effective from 31 January 2025. In this case there will be major changes, particularly relating to section references.

Red Book guide is maintained by Anthony Banfield.

Please be aware that comments in this guide and answers to FAQs may not represent the views of RICS or IVSC. Readers are strongly advised to refer to the appropriate part(s) of Red Book Global Standards and other RICS standards, taking further advice where necessary. The author of this guide cannot accept any liability for comments and interpretations in this guide, which represent his personal opinion.

In the event of any differences between the requirements as set out in the latest edition of the RICS standards and this section, the RICS standards should be taken as the correct version.

The latest versions of RICS Valuation – Global Standards and national supplements can always be accessed from the RICS website.