What's new?

All sections are reviewed biannually by expert authors. The major section updates are below.


This section has been updated with a whole new page on HSE guidance ‘Asbestos: The Analysts’ Guide’ and the Work and Pensions Committee report ‘Health and Safety Executive’s approach to asbestos management’.

BIM for facilities management 

New author Christaline Wijekoon has made minor amends throughout to this section.


In this section, content has been generally updated throughout, including revised statistics/data and more on insect species.

Boundary matters

This section has been updated throughout.

Common defects

This section has seen updates throughout, including Causes of defects and The problem with water.

Contaminated land

This section's updates focus on changes to the National Planning Policy Framework and Land contamination risk management (LCRM) guidance, among others.

Deleterious materials: Structural

As well as minor updates throughout, the subsection on RAAC has been greatly expanded, including new pages on defects, assessment, remediation and insurance.

Environmental monitoring and control

This section has seen some new journals/publications included in Further information on environmental monitoring and control.

Fire and life safety

This section has been thoroughly updated throughout.

Flood remediation

This section has some new information and figures in Monitoring equipment.

Indoor air quality

Updates include indoor allegens, new commentary on disturbance of mould-contaminated building materials, and new resources under Information sources for indoor air quality.

Japanese knotweed and giant hogweed

This section has been updated to reflect the republication of Japanese knotweed and residential property as an RICS professional standard.

Laser scanning

This section has seen minor updates throughout and some new images.

Part L of the Building Regulations

This section has been updated throughout regarding the June 2022 changes to the Building Regulations.

Performance gap in domestic retrofit

This section includes new material on new-build homes and research on low-carbon emissions, airtightness testing commentary on pulse testing and updated references. 

Practical building repair

Author Andrew Thompson has completely reviewed this section, including information on masonry bees and insurance matters.

Residential EPCs and DEAs

There have been updates throughout this section, most notably removing information on the new-defunct Renewable Heat Incentive and adding a page on the new Boiler Upgrade Scheme.

Residential property surveys

This section has been comprehensively updated, particularly with regards to the RICS residential retrofit standard.

Tablet-based surveys

Richard Wadley has given this section minor updates throughout.

Vendor surveys

Author Chris Gibbons has thoroughly updated this section throughout.

RICS initiatives


See iConsult for RICS standard drafts.

This page was lasted updated May 2024.