Ecological considerations

The UK government, relevant professional bodies and local planning authorities have declared that the UK is in a biodiversity crisis, and that there has been insufficient progress in addressing biodiversity loss. Overall, there is a greater understanding that parts of nature have value to society, and that society relies on natural capital to provide ecosystem services that support life.

In the development industry, work by bodies such as CIRIA has resulted in an increasing awareness of the need to consider wildlife interest on sites, and of the measures that can be used to address potentially negative ecological impacts, including avoidance, mitigation and compensation. While expectations around site and species protection remain in place, more recent changes in policy and legislation have focused on identifying opportunities for environmental net gain.

Although this section cannot do justice to the full complexity of all these issues, it is intended to introduce them and demonstrate that construction and development professions play an important part in conserving and enhancing biodiversity.

This section is maintained by Dr Rachel Saunders of Temple.

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