Rural planning
There are a number of rural environments where the planning system is often called into play, from farms to market towns, from woodlands to rural businesses. Each may be subject to different nuances of the planning system.
Development needs planning permission. This may be covered by permitted development rights, some of which require a system of prior approval. However, in most cases it requires the submission of a planning application. That application will be determined by the local planning authority (LPA) taking into account national planning policies and the development plan, and giving due regard to all material considerations.
The rural economy includes agriculture, forestry, equestrian businesses and leisure, sporting enterprises, farm diversification and building reuse. Rural planning considers the main characteristics of various rural environments and their interaction with the planning system.
The planning systems, guidance and policy in England, Wales and Scotland are different. This advice focuses on England but covers the Welsh situation where it differs. It does not cover Scotland.
This section is maintained by Tony Kernon of Kernon Countryside Consultants Ltd.
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