Guide to isurv

Personalise your isurv experience

Font size

It's easy to increase or decrease the size of the text on isurv. Simply hold down the 'Ctrl' key then either use the roller on your mouse or use the '+' and '-' keys to take the size up or down on Windows. On a Mac, press 'Command' and the '+' or '-' keys to zoom in and out.


isurv has been developed using web accessibility standards so it can adapt to meet your needs. Visit the Accessibility page to choose how to view the site.

Bookmarking information

If there is a specific page on isurv you want to return to at a later date, add it to your favourites or bookmarks.

  • While viewing the page through your internet browser, click the 'Ctrl' and 'D' keys at the same time.
  • Enter a name for the page (e.g. 'isurv party walls') and click 'OK' to save the favourite.

When you wish to return to the page: open your internet browser then click on the 'favourites' or 'bookmarks' menu at the top of the screen. The name you chose for the page will appear in the drop-down list.