Environment FBTA
New legislation that modernises agricultural tenancies offers landlords and tenants more freedom to reach agreements to suit their own needs, while tenant farmers will also be able to boost their incomes by diversifying.
The changes are the culmination of the work of the Tenancy Reform Industry Group (TRIG) and reflect the Group's recommendations to Government on the way forward on tenancy reform.
RICS have updated the FBT suite (2012) to incorporate the TRIG reforms. The FBT suite includes:
- RICS FBTA 2 years or less;
- RICS FBTA fixed-term agreement;
- RICS FBTA short form dairy;
- RICS FBTA short form non-dairy;
- RICS FBTA year to year;
- RICS grazing licence; and
- RICS cropping licence.
Before using any of the Farm Business Tenancy Agreement forms, please read the terms and conditions and the relevant user notes.
The user notes will be updated shortly to reflect the 2012 Farm Business Tenancy Agreements.