JCT Minor Works Building Contract With Design 2011 (PDF) JCT Minor Works Building Contract With Design 2011 (PDF) Certificate for paymentFile type: PDFSize: 108.15 KBDownload Notice of completion of making goodFile type: PDFSize: 71.99 KBDownload Notice of non-completionFile type: PDFSize: 70.18 KBDownload Certificate of practical completionFile type: PDFSize: 71.48 KBDownload Contract instructionFile type: PDFSize: 25.14 KBDownload Extension of timeFile type: PDFSize: 71.96 KBDownload Final certificateFile type: PDFSize: 71.96 KBDownload Intention to terminateFile type: PDFSize: 71.04 KBDownload Notice of disputeFile type: PDFSize: 71.79 KBDownload Notice of intention to withhold sumsFile type: PDFSize: 108.24 KBDownload Notice of release of sums being withheldFile type: PDFSize: 105.46 KBDownload Notice of terminationFile type: PDFSize: 72.34 KBDownload Site directionFile type: PDFSize: 20.49 KBDownload Statement of retention valuesFile type: PDFSize: 78.45 KBDownload ValuationFile type: PDFSize: 36.37 KBDownload Pay less noticeFile type: PDFSize: 76.48 KBDownload All forms (zip)File type: ZIPSize: 1013.32 KBDownload