Document downloads - Conceptual cost planning for infrastructure

Available downloads

  • Cost management change control log

    Changes within construction projects are inevitable, but should be kept to a minimum and, when they do occur, controlled rigorously. For this to happen, there must be an adequate strategy and sufficient supporting documentation to record and manage the change control process.

    This is a sample change control log for recording these changes.

  • Cost reporting

    Published: March 2015
    Effective from: March 2015

    This 1st edition guidance note sets out the principles of cost reporting from the perspective of the quantity surveyor to the client during construction.

    This guidance note explains the purpose of cost reporting, the factors affecting outturn cost and explores the different formats and types of cost report.

    This guidance note covers:
    - the purpose of cost reporting;
    - cost reporting models;
    - report formats;
    - establishing the budget;
    - treatment of variable costs;
    - strategic importance; and
    - reporting of loss and expense.

    This is part of the RICS QS and Construction Standards.

  • Cost prediction

    Published November 2020
    Effective from 1 July 2021
    Reissued June 2024

    This 1st edition professional standard provides an overview of global best practice in cost prediction and the implementation of ICMS.

    Different markets and construction sectors undertake cost prediction in different ways. Eliciting the key principles from these various approaches, the document sets out mandatory requirements that RICS members and RICS-regulated firms must follow when producing a cost prediction report for a client or senior management.

    This document was reissued in June 2024 as a professional standard. It had previously been published in November 2020 as a professional statement. No material changes have been made to the document.

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