Document downloads - Checklists
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Asbestos - alternative means of managing ACMs
A checklist of direct and indirect methods of managing asbestos containing materials (ACMs) depending on the risk assessed, with tips for each method.
The Control of Asbestos Regulations require the dutyholder to produce and implement a plan for managing the risk arising from asbestos proven or presumed to be contained within the parts of non-domestic premises for which they are responsible. -
Asbestos management plan - contents and review
The first checklist covers sample contents for an asbestos management plan. The dutyholder is responsible for preparing, implementing, keeping available, reviewing and updating the plan.
The second checklist is for circumstances where the asbestos management plan may need to be reviewed over and above the essential periodic reviews, due to significant 'changes'. -
Asbestos site rules for managing ACMs
This chart shows site rules for the management of asbestos containing materials in various circumstances, along with a list of emergency arrangements that can be made.
Residential defects diagnosis checklist
A period of reflection should follow an inspection. The surveyor will gather his or her thoughts, review the findings applying his or her own technical knowledge of defect diagnosis and, if necessary, seek guidance from other specialist sources. A statutory review is also carried out at this time to establish legislative conformity and highlight any shortcomings.
This is a pre-inspection checklist for a defect diagnosis. -
Commercial and industrial premises inspection checklist
Checklist of inspection elements for a survey of commercial or industrial premises.
A methodical approach is adopted to ensure the capture of all relevant evidence from the inspection. The extent and level of detail is subject to the intent of the report.
This checklist is provided as a sample only. It is the user’s responsibility to check and adapt this as necessary to suit the particular instruction and prevailing circumstances. -
Commercial and industrial premises defect diagnosis checklist
Pre-inspection checklist for defect diagnosis where surveying commercial or industrial premises.
This checklist is provided as a sample only. It is the user’s responsibility to check and adapt this as necessary to suit the particular instruction and prevailing circumstances. -
Commercial and industrial pre-inspection health and safety checklist
Pre-inspection checklist for health and safety on a survey of commercial or industrial premises, divided by hazard type.
This checklist is provided as a sample only. It is the user's responsibility to check and adapt this as necessary to suit the particular instruction and prevailing circumstances. -
Surveying safely mind map
Personal safety should always be given paramount importance. As a minimum requirement the RICS guidelines on Surveying safely should be supplemented by any particular safety issues pertinent to the property.
The mind map was prepared by the RICS Health and Safety working group. It helps the surveyor go through the risk assessment process to be undertaken prior to every inspection. The map was updated to reflect the changes in health and safety awareness and legislation. -
Health and safety buying or selling checklist
A list of additional questions that surveyors may ask when buying and/or selling property on behalf of a client.
Health and safety checklist for initial management inspections
A list of points that might need to be checked during an initial management inspection.
Care homes valuation checklist
A valuation checklist for properties within the care homes sector, including property aspects and the business as a whole.
This checklist is provided as a sample only. It is the user’s responsibility to check and adapt this as necessary to suit the particular instruction and prevailing circumstances. -
Doctors' surgeries valuation checklist
A checklist of general and specific factors for the valuer to consider when valuing surgery premises.
This checklist is provided as a sample only. It is the user’s responsibility to check and adapt this as necessary to suit the particular instruction and prevailing circumstances. -
Garden centres valuation checklist
When considering what determines value, different criteria apply to the different sizes and types of garden and plant centres.
For the largest garden centres, so long as the location and size of the site is right, it is the potential for future town planning consents and development - and so for increases in turnover and profitability - that creates the highest values.
This is a checklist of things to consider when valuing garden centres.
This checklist is provided as a sample only. It is the user’s responsibility to check and adapt this as necessary to suit the particular instruction and prevailing circumstances. -
Golf course valuation checklist
This valuation checklist for golf courses is split into property, business and equipment.
The valuation includes all plant, equipment, furniture, furnishings, fixtures and fittings, on the assumption that they are free from lien and encumbrance. Greenkeepers' equipment in particular is expensive, and may be held on hire purchase or similar agreements.
This checklist is provided as a sample only. It is the user’s responsibility to check and adapt this as necessary to suit the particular instruction and prevailing circumstances. -
Inspection valuation checklist
This is a generic checklist that can be used for commercial, office and industrial properties.
The checklist is provided as a sample only. It is the user's responsibility to check and adapt it as necessary to suit the particular instruction and prevailing circumstances. -
Inspection pro forma for confirmation of rental evidence
Pro forma for confirmation of rental evidence for offices, shops, and commercial and industrial premises.
The checklist is provided as a sample only. It is the user's responsibility to check and adapt it as necessary to suit the particular instruction and prevailing circumstances. -
Nightclub valuation checklist
A checklist for the valuation of nightclubs, including both property and business aspects.
This checklist is provided as a sample only. It is the user’s responsibility to check and adapt this as necessary to suit the particular instruction and prevailing circumstances. -
Petrol filling station valuation checklist
Petrol filling station valuations require specialist expertise and considerable experience. A limited number of open market transactions take place each year and comparable evidence is limited. It can often be difficult to carry out a full analysis of the evidence to draw direct comparisons between one filling station and another. Valuers therefore need to have a detailed understanding of the sector and the market's approach to assessing future trading potential and profitability.
This checklist is provided as a sample only. It is the user’s responsibility to check and adapt this as necessary to suit the particular instruction and prevailing circumstances. -
Public houses valuation checklist
The valuation checklist for a public house lists items to be considered in an evaluation, split into physical inspection, the documentation, and capitalisation of income.
This checklist is provided as a sample only. It is the user’s responsibility to check and adapt this as necessary to suit the particular instruction and prevailing circumstances. -
Restaurant valuation checklist
Valuation checklist for a restaurant, split into items to be covered at an inspection, documentation needed and potential for capitalisation of income.
This checklist is provided as a sample only. It is the user’s responsibility to check and adapt this as necessary to suit the particular instruction and prevailing circumstances. -
Student accommodation valuation checklist
The student accommodation valuation checklist covers factors to consider when valuing student accommodation.
This checklist is provided as a sample only. It is the user’s responsibility to check and adapt this as necessary to suit the particular instruction and prevailing circumstances. -
Telecoms valuation checklist
While the principles of valuing a telecoms installation are no different from valuing any other lease, the valuer needs to understand the issues in the specialist market.
Two versions of the checklist are provided, one that applies under the old regime (the 1984 Telecommunications Code) and one that applies under the new (the 2017 Code). The threshold for deciding which applies is the date of the agreement - whether it is before, or after 28 December 2017.
Fundamental to the process is to determine whether you are valuing for the lessor or lessee, and for what purpose. The most common situations for a telecoms valuer will be valuing a site for sale, valuing a business in liquidation and specialist telecoms valuations.
The telecoms market is so specialist that it is vital to consider the individual circumstances that prevail on the site or sites that are being valued. In some instances, it is impossible to avoid setting new principles that will be used by others as precedents.
The valuer needs a sound understanding of the current market, operators and landlords, along with an up-to-date knowledge of legislation, guidelines and best practice.
This checklist is provided as a sample only. It is the user’s responsibility to check and adapt this as necessary to suit the particular instruction and prevailing circumstances. -
Vehicle dealership valuation checklist
The vehicle dealership market is a finite market. External influences, in particular, vehicle manufacturers, must be fully appreciated in order to understand how the property market functions, what drives it and influences and determines value.
This checklist of factors to consider is split into equipment, documents, environmental legislation and site history.
This checklist is provided as a sample only. It is the user’s responsibility to check and adapt this as necessary to suit the particular instruction and prevailing circumstances. -
Post-occupancy checklist
The primary purpose of a post-occupancy review is to establish the satisfaction of the customer (in this case, the end-user and occupier of the building) with the built facility they occupy. A post-occupancy review can be carried out on a newly completed building or an existing building where an occupier has taken occupancy with minimum work. In the latter, the review can be an assessment against the criteria for acquiring the lease of the building.
Prior to the post-occupancy review, information should be collated against a checklist, such as the one provided in this document. -
Practical completion checklist
Completion of works is an important milestone. It is a date that has a significant impact on payment, risk and damages. For example, and depending on the contractual terms, the employer will take possession and responsibility for loss or damage, the right to deduct damages for delay, will come to an end; payments for retention or performance bonuses will be payable; the defects liability period will commence; the time during which the final account should be prepared will commence.
This checklist lists the things that should be done in order to achieve practical completion. -
Checklist for the Structural Survey of Period Timber-Framed Buildings
This practical publication is designed for use as a checklist when carrying out structural surveys of traditional timber-framed buildings. It provides a logical method of carrying out inspections so that no important points are overlooked. It is illustrated throughout with line drawings and can be used to help identify less familiar construction techniques and problems.
Contamination and environmental matters: property observation checklists
These property observation checklists from the RICS guidance note Contamination, the environment and sustainability: Implications for chartered surveyors and their clients. They can form the basis for research, and for compiling a record of methodical inspection.
These checklists are provided as a sample only. It is the user's responsibility to check and adapt them as necessary to suit the particular instruction and prevailing circumstances. -
Environmental consultant's appointment checklist
Environmental investigations and audits have for some time been a growth area and the number of consultancies has mushroomed. There are now over 400 consultancies in the UK. Therefore, close thought must be given to the selection process.
This is a checklist of factors to consider when appointing an environmental consultant. -
Asbestos work - deciding who does it
This chart will help you to decide who should do asbestos work (that is, if you need an HSE-licensed contractor) and whether it is notifable work or not.
Quarterly property marketing checklist
Prior to marketing the property the agent will attend the premises to view them and to ascertain the particulars of the property to be let. At this point it is imperative that the agent takes accurate details and confirms any points that may be vague.
The particulars should be checked every quarter, and this document provides a checklist for such inspections. -
Data protection checklist
Estate agencies should audit (and revise where appropriate) their data processing activities on a regular basis. In particular the items in the following checklist should be reviewed.
Advertisement consent application checklist
A checklist of what you need for an advertisement consent planning application: the four national requirements and the three possible local requirements.
Also downloadable is advice on what main changes were introduced by the Advertisement Regulations 2007. -
Approval of details reserved by condition application checklist
A checklist for useful supporting information to supply with applications for approval of details reserved by condition.
There are no national requirements for application for the approval of details reserved by condition except that they should be made in writing. -
Approval of reserved matters application checklist
Checklist of requirements for applications for approval of reserved matters following outline approval. There are 5 national requirements and numerous possible local requirements.
Hedgerow removal notice application checklist
Checklist for applications for hedgerow removal notice. Includes the 3 compulsory national requirements and the 3 local requirements you may also be required to provide.
Householder planning permission application checklists
Checklist for householder applications for planning permission for works or extension to a dwelling, with conservation area or listed building consents. Includes both the compulsory national requirements and the possible local requirements.
Lawful development for an existing use application checklist
A Certificate of Lawful Existing Use or Development (CLEUD) can be sought where a development has already been implemented without planning permission to ascertain whether it is lawful. A development may be lawful and therefore granted a certificate where: planning permission was not required for whatever reason for the development, the development is now immune from enforcement action because it has been in place for more than 4 years, or alternatively an involved use has been carried out for more than 10 years.
A valid CLEUD provides a defence against enforcement action and makes the development to which it relates lawful.
This is a checklist of things that should be included in an application. -
Lawful development for a proposed use application checklist
The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 allows any person to apply to the LPA to ascertain whether a proposed development would be lawful. Where the LPA decides the proposal would be lawful, they will issue a Certificate of Lawfulness of a Proposed Use or Development (CLPUD). Such a certificate is conclusive proof of the lawfulness of a proposed development and a defence if the proposal is later alleged to be unlawful.
An application for a CLPUD must provide enough information to satisfy the LPA that the use or operation described would be lawful, including reasons as to why it is alleged the use is lawful.
This is a checklist of things that should be included. -
Listed building consent application checklists
Listed Building Consent is required where alteration or extension, demolition or development which affects a Listed Building or development within the curtilage of a Listed Building is proposed.
This is a checklist of things that should be included in an application. -
Outline planning permission application checklists
An application for planning permission need not supply all the necessary details of the proposed development. The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (as amended) allows for 'outline permissions' to be granted by the LPA. An application for outline permission allows the applicant to test the principle of the development with the LPA without incurring the costs of preparing a full and detailed design. An outline application will 'reserve matters' for consideration at a later date.
This is a checklist of items needed for an outline planning permission application, including both the compulsory national requirements and the possible local requirements. -
Planning permission application checklists
Checklists of the compulsory national requirements and possible local requirements for different planning application types.
Prior notification of proposed agricultural development application checklists
Checklists for applications for prior notification of proposed agricultural development subdivided into new building, excavation of waste, fish tank and proposed road. They list the compulsory national requirements and the possible local requirements.
Prior notification of permitted development by electronic communications code operators application checklist
Checklist for applications for prior notification of permitted development by electronic communications code operators, including the three compulsory national requirements and the possible local requirements.
Prior notification of proposed demolition application checklist
Checklist for applications for prior notification of proposed demolition. It lists the compulsory national requirements and the possible local requirements.
Removal or variation of a condition application checklist
Checklist for applications for removal or variation of a condition following grant of planning permission (Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990), including the compulsory national requirements and possible local requirements.
Tree works application checklists
Checklists for applications for works to tree subject to a tree preservation order (TPO) or notification of proposed works to trees in conservation areas (CA).
Project monitor progress report checklist
In most instances the project monitor prepares a monthly report for the bank or fund. This progress report is key to the overall reporting process to the bank or fund.
Typically, the progress report will be undertaken on a monthly basis and, where appropriate, should follow seven days after the drawdown request by the developer.
This is a checklist of items the progress monitor should consider in making the progress report. -
Planning due diligence investigations
A due diligence investigation is a reasonable method of uncovering all facts that would be of material interest to an investor or acquirer of a business. It may or may not uncover all such facts, but it should be done in a manner reasonably calculated to do so. Due diligence is essentially a way of preventing unnecessary harm to either party, or the entity involved, in a transaction.
This form is a planning checklist for a due diligence investigation.
This checklist is provided as a sample only. It is the user's responsibility to check and adapt this as necessary to suit the particular instruction and prevailing circumstances. -
Client briefing meeting checklist
A checklist of things to consider and discuss at a client briefing meeting.
Consultancy appointments checklist
A checklist of typical issues to consider when reviewing consultancy appointments documents.
Many clients will have their own terms under which they require their suppliers to work; others will be open for the supplier to put forward their standard conditions. Provided the other party checks the terms and finds them acceptable then the origin of the terms is irrelevant and most organisations will have key issues they look for in reviewing appointment terms, such as limitations on liability, professional indemnity insurance requirements, payment terms and the like. -
Client feedback checklist
A checklist of questions to ask clients to gather feedback in various areas.
Rural valuation checklist
The same valuation principles apply to agricultural land and buildings as to any other property asset. Valuation requires an analysis of the subject and in particular the qualities of the subject property. Agricultural and rural properties have a wide divergence, of type, character and overlap into other markets such as residential housing, commercial business, etc.
This checklist provides a list of things to consider when valuing such assets.
This checklist is provided as a sample only. It is the user’s responsibility to check and adapt this as necessary to suit the particular instruction and prevailing circumstances. -
Checklist for common sources of risk on conservation projects
Historic buildings are more vulnerable and at risk during building works than at any other time in their lifecycle. Failed objectives on a project put not only a client's financial position but also the significance and integrity of a historical building at risk.
This checklist can be used to identify the perceived sources of risks on conservation construction projects.
Note: When reviewing the list it is important to consider probability and not impact. -
Woodland site inspection checklist
The UK's 3.1 million hectares of woodland forests are made up of a wide range of woodland types, ages and sizes.
This checklist provides a list of factors to consider when valuing woodland. It considers pre-survey information, physical site details and crop details.
This checklist is provided as a sample only. It is the user's responsibility to check and adapt this as necessary to suit the particular instruction and prevailing circumstances. -
Property description amendments checklist
If any amendments are made to a property's description the amendments checklist should be used to ensure that all relevant checks are made and persons notified.
Property inspections checklist
The order of recording the detail in the inventory should always be consistent, that way when the inventory is read by another party it will be clear to them which room is being described. There should also be a pattern to how each room is dictated.
This checklist can be used for taking notes or as a checklist for dictation while inspecting a property. In addition, it includes general considerations to be aware of during check-up visits to a property. -
Transmission factor correction for windows using SBEM programs
Links are provided below to tables showing the partial shading correction factors for overhangs (Fo) and fins (Ff); these are used to calculate the transmission factor of windows (TS). The tables have been produced by interpolation from tables 10 and 11 of the iSBEM User Guide (CLG, April 2009).
For more information see Fins and overhangs at -
Children's day nursery valuation checklist
Children's day nursery valuations require specialist expertise and experience. Valuers need to have a detailed understanding of the sector and the market's approach to assessing future trading potential and profitability.
This document provides a checklist of areas that should be looked at.
This checklist is provided as a sample only. It is the user’s responsibility to check and adapt this as necessary to suit the particular instruction and prevailing circumstances. -
Residential lettings tenancy health and safety checklist
Questions on the checklist cover the obligations and recommended checks required of the letting agent (landlord) with regard to fire, electrics, gas, asbestos, hazardous substances and housekeeping. If the answer to any questions is no, the action to be taken should be noted in the comments section.
Residential lettings workplace health and safety checklist
Questions on the checklist cover the obligations of employers to ensure the safety and health of their employees. Questions relate to health and safety notices, welfare, health and safety management and safe systems of work.
Independent schools valuation checklist
It is good practice for the valuer to provide a detailed list of the information that will be required, well in advance of his or her appointment to inspect the property and meet with the owner. It is also good practice to advise the attendees of that meeting what the format of the inspection will be and the anticipated length of time that should be set aside.
This checklist is provided as a sample only. It is the user’s responsibility to check and adapt this as necessary to suit the particular instruction and prevailing circumstances. -
Retail property valuation checklist
Valuation checklist for retail property.
This checklist is provided as a sample only. It is the user’s responsibility to check and adapt this as necessary to suit the particular instruction and prevailing circumstances. -
Right of light dispute checklist
Suggested checklist of documents relevant to a rights of light dispute, and where they can be obtained. Covers client's property, neighbour's property, and items that apply to both.
Rental appraisal checklist
A lettings agent should gather knowledge of the client, the property and any legal issues when appraising a property for letting. Use this checklist to collect the necessary information in order to advise landlords and future tenants effectively.
Confirmation of rental evidence: valuation checklist
This valuation checklist is applicable for industrial/warehousing property, offices and retail property. It may be useful to use this checklist in conjunction with the Property information checklist (construction, accommodation and use) available at
This checklist is provided as a sample only. It is the user’s responsibility to check and adapt this as necessary to suit the particular instruction and prevailing circumstances. -
Contamination and environmental information: valuation checklist
This valuation checklist is for recording information about contamination and other environmental issues.
For further information see the RICS guidance note Contamination, the environment and sustainability: Implications for chartered surveyors and their clients at where there are more specific property observation checklists contained in appendices A to C.
It may be useful to use this checklist in conjunction with the checklist for Sustainability considerations at
This checklist is provided as a sample only. It is the user's responsibility to check and adapt this as necessary to suit the particular instruction and prevailing circumstances. -
Planning enquiries: valuation checklist
This checklist is for recording information related to planning enquiries.
This checklist is provided as a sample only. It is the user’s responsibility to check and adapt this as necessary to suit the particular instruction and prevailing circumstances. -
Property information (construction, accommodation and use): valuation checklist
This checklist is designed for general use and will need adaptation where, for example, trade-related or specialised property is under consideration.
It may be useful to use this checklist in conjunction with the checklist for Confirmation of rental evidence at
This checklist is provided as a sample only. It is the user’s responsibility to check and adapt this as necessary to suit the particular instruction and prevailing circumstances. -
Sustainability considerations: valuation checklist
See also RICS VIP 13 Sustainability and commercial property valuation at
It may be useful to use this checklist in conjunction with the checklist for Contamination and environmental information at
This checklist is provided as a sample only. It is the user’s responsibility to check and adapt this as necessary to suit the particular instruction and prevailing circumstances. -
Tenure and tenancy: valuation checklist
This checklist is suitable for retail, industrial and warehousing properties.
This checklist is provided as a sample only. It is the user’s responsibility to check and adapt this as necessary to suit the particular instruction and prevailing circumstances. -
Environmental impact assessment checklist
Environmental impact assessment checklist for use with planning applications.
International procurement Dispute resolution checklist
Check through the dispute resolution process using this list.
Car park valuation checklist
The valuation checklist for car parks considers items under the headings of location, property, income, and business costs.
This checklist is provided as a sample only. It is the user’s responsibility to check and adapt this as necessary to suit the particular instruction and prevailing circumstances. -
EDMS key questions checklist
The volume and diversity of electronic information within the construction industry is constantly increasing. A well-chosen and configured Electronic document management system can significantly enhance the ability of an organisation to store, find, repurpose, archive and generally manage electronic files.
This checklist is for use in evaluating commercial EDM systems. Basic features have been ignored. -
Neighbourhood planning community checklist
This checklist covers the key steps for a community considering preparing a neighbourhood plan.
This checklist is provided as a sample only. It is the user's responsibility to check and adapt this as necessary to suit the particular and prevailing circumstances. -
Evaluation of claims checklist
This checklist outlines the evaluation of claims for loss and expense.
Once records have been assembled and listed, the consideration of the claim may be progressed in line with this checklist. -
Minerals and waste management property inspection checklists
Health and safety is a particularly important consideration when inspecting mineral-producing and waste management properties.
These checklists are provided as a sample only. It is the user's responsibility to check and adapt them as necessary to suit the particular instruction and prevailing circumstances. -
Tenant’s end of tenancy checklist
This checklist is to assist tenants with what will be expected of them when handing the property back at the termination of their tenancy.
Tenant’s checklist: key points of your tenancy
A checklist to assist tenants with their tenancy, providing key points to remember about looking after the property, dealing with disrepair, ending the tenancy and generally how to be a good tenant and maintain a good relationship with the landlord/agent.
Shared tenancy checklist
A checklist to assist agents with shared tenancies, with key points to include in the tenancy agreement, to remind tenants of, and steps to follow when changing tenants.
Administration charges: summary of tenants' rights and obligations
This summary briefly sets out your rights and obligations in relation to administration charges, and must by law accompany a demand for administration charges.
Service charges: summary of tenants’ rights and obligations (for England only)
This summary briefly sets out your rights and obligations in relation to variable service charges and must by law accompany a demand for service charges (for England only).
Section 21 checklist
The section 21 checklist covers factors to consider when serving a section 21 notice.
This checklist is provided as a sample only. It is the user’s responsibility to check and adapt this as necessary to suit the particular instruction and prevailing circumstances. -
Enforcement under the Immigration Act 2014: flowchart
Under the Immigration Act 2014 private sector landlords have to check the immigration status of the people in their properties. The scheme is commonly referred to as the right to rent scheme.
This useful flow chart sets out the enforcement and penalty procedure for landlords under the Immigration Act 2014. -
Accounting: regulation checklist
This accounting checklist summarises the main requirements that all firms should consider to establish and maintain good accounting procedures and controls, and to prevent problems arising.
Using this checklist should assist a firm when being audited in this respect. -
Checklist for effective stakeholder management outside the supply chain
This is a simplified 30-point checklist for the project team to guide the process of completing an effective external stakeholder management programme. Incorporating each of these actions into the programme will ensure the framework is in place for project success.
Checklist for effective stakeholder management within the supply chain
While stakeholder management programmes within the supply chain involve different levels of complexity, scale and resources, there are core elements that should be part of any plan.
This is a simplified checklist for completing an effective supply chain stakeholder management programme. Incorporating each of these actions into the programme will ensure a framework is in place for project success. -
Project assessment checklist
This checklist is designed to act as a prompt during project assessment and planning. It can also form the basis of an agenda for recording pre-start or site meeting minutes with the client and contractor.
Sustainable procurement basics checklist
By embedding the principles of sustainability into the procurement process, organisations may not only align their procurement strategy with overarching sustainability objectives but also foster beneficial social, environmental and economic outcomes.
This checklist aims to inform those who are developing sustainable procurement processes, and to help integrate these with existing working practices.