isurv authors - Edwards, Mike
Record details
- Author
- Mike Edwards
- Job title and company
- Director, Morrigan Consulting Ltd
- Section and channel
- Biography
Mike Edwards is the director of Morrigan Consulting Ltd. Mike’s expertise is in deploying technology solutions at scale to solve traditional building surveying challenges.
Since 2011, Mike has been collaborating with RICS members across a broad range of disciplines and sectors, from social housing stock energy efficiency assessments to digitising university campuses. His career has led to a passionate focus on reality capture and enabling digital and remote ways of working.
As well as being a thermographer and drone operator, Mike has built several businesses involved in technology-led surveying, all with a common goal of making technology more accessible and scalable.
Currently, Mike is developing the concept of Automated Drone Infrastructure and is actively working on several UKRI-funded Future Flight Challenges, designed to progress UK drone regulations, specifically Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLoS) operations.
- Company biography
Morrigan Consulting was established in 2022 to work with building professionals and owners wanting to adopt the latest surveying technology and digitise their portfolios.
Morrigan’s clients benefit from a wealth of experience, lessons learnt and best practice in deploying innovative technologies and surveying methodologies. Whether looking to develop in-house capability or engage with specialist contractors, Morrigan offers tailored solutions bespoke to your needs.