isurv authors - Crawford, Emma

Record details

Emma Crawford
Job title and company
Director, Christie & Co
Section and channel

Emma Crawford BSc (Hons) FRICS was appointed Director of Christie & Co in 2014 and has 18 years’ experience working across the care sector in both a regional and national capacity as part of the senior healthcare advisory team. Emma is qualified as a Fellow of RICS and is an RICS Registered Valuer.

Emma’s primary focus is trading and investment valuations of healthcare properties for banks, investors and operators throughout the UK. Aside from undertaking a large number of bank valuations, Emma plays a leading role in Christie & Co’s most significant healthcare advisory projects.

Company biography

Christie & Co is Europe’s leading transactional and advisory specialists in operational real estate with a pedigree dating back to 1935. It has a market leading presence across eight core sectors with healthcare activity accounting for over 50% of company revenue.