isurv authors - Keelan, Glenn
Record details
- Author
- Keelan, Glenn
- Job title and company
- Principal Consultant, Wessex Advisory Ltd
- Section and channel
Glenn contributes to the Programme management section in isurv Infrastructure.
- Biography
Glenn Keelan, FCMI, MAPM RPP, is a professional project manager with a building services engineering and environmental background. He is a Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute (FCMI), an APM Registered Project Professional (MAPM RPP) and has fulfilled a range of successful roles in a 30-year career in infrastructure, including with Transport for London as a Major Projects Directorate Programme Manager and Programme Director where, over the course of his tenure, he led the Victoria Station upgrade programme, the Metropolitan Line extension, the Northern Line extension to Battersea and the Earl’s Court development schemes.
In 2010, Glenn was selected by the APM to participate in the pilot stage of the Registered Project Professional (RPP) scheme – its professional standard for Royal Charter – and became one of the first 50 PMs nationally to achieve the designation. He continues to promote the profession including through contribution to both APM and CMI magazines, youth development initiatives and active engagement in the APM's annual awards programme. He is a school governor, leading on resources and the statutory role as health and safety governor, and a long-standing patron of the Open University, the NSPCC and the Railway Children registered charities.
- Company biography
Wessex Advisory Ltd is an independent consultancy providing strategic advice to clients in the infrastructure sector.