In this house, this rising main first appears below the kitchen sink and is fitted with an appropriate stop valve. However, someone has fitted a new cold-water pipe connection to the washing machine. Although this has its own servicing valve, what if a leak develops on the rising main side of this new connection? The only way this can be isolated is by the external stop valve and by the time the owner has found that, most of the kitchen will be flooded. |
This copper rising main passes through an unheated cellar and although it is partially insulated, it is poor quality and unlikely to stop the pipe freezing especially during very cold weather. Additionally, the pipe is not properly supported (apart from the earth bonding) and this can put a strain on the joints resulting in future leaks. |
This lead piping is below a wash hand basin on the first floor so this property has a considerable amount of lead cold water pipe. This shows the bulbous ‘wiped’ joints typical to lead pipework. |