isurv authors - Humphrey, Paul

Record details

Paul Humphrey
Job title and company
Director Consents and Engagement Practice, Assystem
Section and channel

Paul Humphrey has more than 20 years of experience securing consents and stakeholder engagement for large transport, property and energy infrastructure projects.

Paul began his career at Railtrack, subsequently Network Rail, before joining Schofield Lothian in 1999, where he has held multiple roles, producing consenting strategies and engaging stakeholders. He was appointed Director of the Consents and Engagement Practice in 2013.

His extensive experience includes promotion and completion of nationally significant infrastructure projects (NSIPs) through hybrid bills, Transport and Works Act Orders and Development Consent Orders; large-scale planning applications; public consultations; community relations; and the identification, negotiation and discharge of legal commitments through section 106 agreements and third-party agreements such as undertakings and assurances.