Cases - Barnes v Sheffield City Council

Record details

Barnes v Sheffield City Council
27 HLR 719
Planning control - Housing Act 1985

A house was occupied by 5 students. The principal issue for the Court was whether it was in multiple occupation under the Housing Act 1985. Sir Thomas Bingham MR identified 9 factors, in no particular order:

  • the origin of the tenancy - whether the residents arrived as a single group or were independently recruited by the landlord;
  • the extent to which the facilities were shared;
  • whether the occupants were responsible for the whole house or just their particular rooms;
  • the extent to which residents can and do lock their doors;
  • the responsibility for filling vacancies - whether that of the existing occupants;
  • the allocation of rooms - whether by the occupants or the landlord;
  • the size of the establishment;
  • the stability of the group;
  • the mode of living - to what extent communal and to what extent independent.

Sir Thomas Bingham also referred to the judgment of Lord Hailsham in Erin v Pizzey (1979) to the effect that there is no single factor the presence or absence of which is by itself conclusive.