Cases - London Underground Ltd v Citylink Telecommunications Ltd

Record details

London Underground Ltd v Citylink Telecommunications Ltd
EWHC 1749
Construction claims - extension of time

An arbitrator in this case had used the principles set out in John Doyle Construction Ltd v Laing Management (Scotland) Ltd to form an opinion on an extension of time based on what he considered to be a fair and reasonable approach.

An appeal was brought against the arbitrator’s award.

The arbitrator had rejected the critical path analysis concluding that this project was not best suited to analysis by the critical path method.

In refusing to set aside the abitrator’s award, the court found that,

'The claim was made on the basis that a large number of breaches of LUL's Obligations had caused delay to individual locations and to the various lines. The case on causation was based largely on inferences drawn from factual and expert evidence. … Causation was therefore a matter which, if at all, could only be established from the facts, drawing such inferences as were appropriate.'