Cases - Borden (UK) v Scottish Timber

Record details

Borden (UK) v Scottish Timber
Ch 25, CA
Sale of goods - implied terms - Obligation to account - conditions of sale containing retention of title clause - property not to pass to purchaser until all outstanding debts paid - whether retention of title clause effective against materials used in manufacture of new product/good - materials mixed with others to produce new product/good - incorporation of resin into chipboard - purchaser in liquidation - whether sellers entitled to trace and recover proceeds - whether charge on new product - whether charge void for non-registration

This case demonstrates that retention of title clauses will not be effective with regard to materials that have been irretrievably mixed or incorporated into the works.

In this case, a retention of title clause over resin incorporated into chipboard was deemed ineffective. However, a retention of title clause over engines bolted to a concrete slab might still be effective.