Cases - Arkwright v Cell

Record details

Arkwright v Cell
8 LJ Ex. 201

The lower riparian owners were occupiers of mills located on a stream which drained a mine. They attempted to compel the mine owners to continue such discharge. Giving judgment, Lord Abinger said:

'The stream ... was an artificial watercourse, and the sole object for which it was made, was to get rid of a nuisance to the mines, and to enable their proprietors to get the ores which lay within the mineral field drained by it: and the flow of water through that channel was, from the very nature of the case, of a temporary character, having its continuance only while the convenience of the mine-owners required it, and, in the ordinary course it would, most probably, cease when the mineral ore above its level should have been exhausted.'

Such a temporary watercourse could not, the Court said, give rise to a permanent right.