isurv authors - Oram, Seb

Record details

Seb Oram
Job title and company
Barrister, 3PB Barristers
Section and channel

Seb Oram is a practising Barrister and member of 3PB Barristers. He regularly appears in construction and property related litigation, both in bringing and defending construction claims. He also advises parties in relation to disputes arising under the common-form contract suites, and acts for parties in adjudications under the 1996 Act and the enforcement of adjudicator awards.

Company biography

3PB is a set of barristers with centres in London and the south coast. The barristers in its Technology and Construction practice group are specialists in construction litigation, who regularly advise and advocate in relation to disputes assigned to the Technology and Construction Court of the High Court. They also appear in appeal courts and in arbitration, adjudication and mediation. Many of their barristers have had relevant commercial experience before coming to the Bar. The group gives seminars from time to time on topics of current interest and several of the members regularly publish articles.