isurv authors - Wakiwaka, Jane

Record details

Jane Wakiwaka
Job title and company
Sustainability Manager, The Crown Estate
Section and channel

Jane Wakiwaka, Sustainability Manager, The Crown Estate 

Jane Wakiwaka is the Head of Sustainability (Real Estate) of The Crown Estate and brings 10 years' experience in environmental planning and sustainability, having held previous roles within corporate social responsibility, carbon, sustainable waste management as well as environmental and sustainability consultancy at Ramboll Environ (formerly ENVIRON), LSE and BP. She is an experienced professional, having provided strategic corporate advice on sustainability issues to a range of clients, in addition to coordinating and project managing Environmental Impact Assessments for a series of major developments. She currently ensures that sustainability is integrated across all business activities within the Central London portfolio and Regional portfolio across the UK at The Crown Estate.

Jane has worked as a licensed BREEAM assessor (commercial, public and bespoke) and Accredited Professional (AP), undertaking BREEAM and Code for Sustainable Homes assessments for a number of commercial and residential developments. As an accredited CIBSE low carbon assessor, Jane also undertakes energy audits and provides energy advice for the planning, design and operation of developments.

Awarded GRESB/BREEAM Individual Leadership Award in March 2019, Jane works across a range of disciplines to help embed sustainability at the heart of the built environment. She is involved in engaging with the BRE, contributing to the development of BREEAM scheme updates, providing technical reviews on behalf of the BRE and sits on the BREEAM Awards jury.

Jane contributes to the section on BREEAM in Sustainability.