isurv authors - Hile, Steve
Record details
- Author
- Steve Hile
- Job title and company
- Partner, Gerald Eve
- Section and channel
- Biography
Steve Hile is a Partner in Gerald Eve's offices rating team and has over 20 years' experience of dealing with rating matters across the UK. He is a member of the Rating Surveyors' Association, the Institute of Revenues Rating and Valuation, and the International Property Tax Institute.
Gerald Eve regularly contributes articles to the property press and provides speakers to rating seminars, as well as being actively involved in the British Property Federation Rating Working Party and making representations to the government on proposals for change.
- Company biography
Gerald Eve is a firm of international property consultants with a network of 9 offices and more than 450 employees in the UK and associated offices across Europe and North America. It has one of the highest partner-client ratios for the sector.
This hands-on style produces exceptional results and offers a unique relationship which, Gerald Eve believes, sets it apart from its competitors.
Gerald Eve provides corporate asset management, consultancy and agency services to public and private sector organisations. Its aim is to save or make money from property on behalf of clients.
The range of services includes occupational and investment agency, planning and development, every aspect of building consultancy, rent review and lease renewal instructions, compulsory purchase and compensation, valuation, business rates, property taxation and project services.