isurv authors - Heuch, Dr Jon
Record details
- Author
- Dr Jon Heuch
- Job title and company
- Chartered Forester, Duramen Consulting
- Section and channel
- Biography
Dr Jon Heuch, Duramen Consulting Ltd, is a Chartered Forester and registered Consultant of the Institute of Chartered Foresters. He is a trustee and past Chairman of the Arboricultural Association. He is an independent consultant working for both private and public clients dealing with planning issues, tree surveys, risk management and valuation for disputes. He has experience of planning appeals, providing expert witness statements, subsidence investigations and veteran tree studies.
- Company biography
Duramen Consulting Ltd is a company of tree experts providing advice, undertaking surveys and written reports on arboricultural issues. The consultancy provides a range of services to support planning applications for sites with trees, tree safety and risk assessments, neighbour disputes of a legal nature, accident investigations, subsidence and other insurance claims, and the valuation of amenity trees for a variety of purposes. The practice deals with tree issues in both the rural and urban environments. The range of services includes:
- tree surveys using British Standard 5837:2005;
- arboricultural implications assessment and method statements;
- tree safety inspections and reports;
- arboricultural expert witness reports;
- tree root disputes and cases;
- tree surveys and reports for mortgage and insurance purposes;
- high hedges;
- Tree Preservation Order applications, objections and appeals;
- planning application appeals;
- valuation of amenity trees for insurance, legal disputes and other reasons;
- use of ground penetrating radar to identify root location.
The Institute of Chartered Foresters is the Royal Chartered body for foresters and arboriculturists in the UK. It has more than 1,000 members who practise in every branch of forestry and arboriculture and related disciplines – in the private sector, central and local government, research councils and universities and colleges.
The Institute provides services to assist members including support and promotion of the work of foresters and arboriculturists; information and guidance to the public and industry about the specific expertise offered by those in the profession; and training and educational advice to students and professionals looking to build on their experience.