isurv authors - Giordano, Dr Joe
Record details
- Author
- Dr Joe Giordano
- Job title and company
- Chartered Surveyor, Bargate Consulting Ltd
- Section and channel
Project monitoring and Funding development projects in isurv Construction. Joe is also a member of the isurv Construction editorial board.
- Biography
Dr Joe Giordano is a Chartered Surveyor and founder of Bargate Consulting Ltd, a construction and property consultancy providing a wide range of development solutions, which includes development and project management, due diligence, funding strategies and quantity surveying to developers, investors and banks, acting in a variety of sectors both nationally and internationally.
Joe was the lead author of the RICS Project monitoring guidance note published in 2007 and has also contributed to the RICS Construction journal.
- Company biography
Bargate Consulting Ltd is an independent firm of consultants, providing a wide range of development solution services to the property, construction and finance sectors. The firm has a large and diverse client base across a range of construction- and property-related sectors.