isurv authors - Futerman, Benjamin

Record details

Benjamin Futerman
Job title and company
Solicitor, Trowers & Hamlins
Section and channel

Benjamin is a Solicitor at Trowers & Hamlins. He qualified as a solicitor at Boodle Hatfield LLP in Mayfair. He has also worked as a paralegal at Linklaters LLP.

Company biography

Trowers & Hamlins believes lawyers exist to serve their clients - not vice versa. The company also believes that every task it undertakes on your behalf is unique.

The company expects to be judged on results, on the added value it provides, the quality of its service, and its cost-effectiveness. These attributes have led to it being voted Law Firm of the Year 2007 by the Lawyer.

As well as the full list of Legal Services that the company offers its clients it has also established a number of international arrangements to give its clients the best and fullest advice possible.