isurv authors - Cummins, Sarah

Record details

Sarah Cummins
Job title and company
Solicitor, Anthony Gold Solicitors
Section and channel

Sarah Cummins is a solicitor in Anthony Gold’s Housing and Property Disputes department. She has experience in a wide range of landlord and tenant matters including possession claims under the different statutory regimes, tenancy deposit protection legislation, consumer protection regulation and the law relating to houses in multiple occupation. She specialises in advising landlords and tenants on private sector tenancies.

Company biography

Anthony Gold has more than 100 staff, in 3 London locations, who are committed to their energetic and supportive approach to providing legal advice. Many of its lawyers are recognised as leading experts in their fields. The breadth of the practice area allows the company to provide a thorough and cost-effective service as the lawyers can use the expertise of other departments if necessary.