isurv authors - Bond, Patrick

Record details

Patrick Bond
Job title and company
Former Head of Rating Valuation, Valuation Office Agency
Section and channel

Patrick Bond is joint author of Rating Valuation: Principles to Practice (the well-known rating textbook with its fifth edition published in 2024), a Rating Dipolma holder; a visiting lecturer in rating at Bayes (formerly Cass) Business School, City University; a past president of the Rating Surveyor's Association; and former Head of Rating Valuation at the Valuation Office Agency. Patrick has long experience of practical rating as a former valuation officer and is a frequent speaker on rating matters at professional conferences at home and abroad.

Company biography

The Valuation Office Agency (VOA) is an executive agency of HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC), with 40 offices spread throughout England, Wales and Scotland, employing around 4,000 people.

Its main functions are to:

  • support its valuation and listing officers in compiling and maintaining the non-domestic rating and council tax valuation lists for England and Wales (in Scotland council tax and non-domestic rating are dealt with by the Scottish Assessors)
  • value property in England, Wales and Scotland for the purposes of taxes administered by HMRC
  • provide statutory and non-statutory property valuation services in England, Wales and Scotland and
  • give expert advice to ministers in connection with policy on property valuation matters.