isurv authors - Banfield, Anthony
Record details
- Author
- Anthony Banfield
- Job title and company
- Chartered Surveyor and Valuer, Banfield Real Estate Solutions Ltd
- Section and channel
- Biography
Anthony Banfield FRICS is a chartered surveyor and valuer with many years experience from working in local government, private practice and for property companies. He was Managing Director of a London-based property asset management company before joining the College of Estate Management at Reading to become a full time academic in 1999 as Valuation Team Leader, Course Director for the BCSC Diploma in Shopping Centre Management and Director of Corporate Training.
In April 2010 he left the College and set up his own training and property management consultancy, Banfield Real Estate Solutions Ltd running training courses for clients worldwide.
In addition to designing and running CPD and specialist bespoke courses for a large number of companies from international plcs to small partnerships, Anthony has presented conference papers. He has regularly lectured in many countries including China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, Russia, Vietnam, Thailand, Ireland, Latvia and Cyprus on subjects mainly related to valuation, property development, property management and shopping centres.
For RICS Anthony has helped to develop and has co-presented a number of courses on valuation of commercial property including Red Book Workshops, Fundamentals of Valuation (Commercial), Contamination for Valuers, etc. as workshops and as web classes since 2008. He has also developed e-learning courses and podcasts for RICS.
Anthony revised, edited and contributed to the current edition of Stapletons Real Estate Management Practice as well as being involved in the preparation of the last edition of Parry’s Valuation Tables.
- Company biography
Banfield Real Estate Solutions Ltd offer a full range of services, ranging from small local consultancy and training to major national and international conferences. Services provided, among others, include:
- real estate training;
- commercial property management;
- property asset management; and
- real estate advice.