Town planning
The majority of building, engineering, mining and other operations that include changes of use in, on, over or under land, as well as some demolition operations, constitute ‘development’. Planning permission will normally be required for these activities. In addition, most development in conservation areas or alterations to listed buildings will be subject to regulatory control.
However, there are certain types of development that can be considered ‘permitted development’, for which planning permission is not needed. There are also certain classes of use where changes of use can be made within and between use classes, where planning permission is similarly not required.
This section considers:
- an introduction to the planning system
- actors in the planning system
- key town planning policy
- national planning policy framework
- use classes
- permitted development rights
- Community Infrastructure Levy
- key town planning case law
- plan-making
- development plans
- local plans
- neighbourhood development plans
- planning applications
- the application process
- the decision-taking process
- planning appeals
- heritage protection and conservation
- listed building consent
- scheduled ancient monument consent
- conservation area consent
- sensitive designations
- reform of the planning system
- further information sources for town planning.
This section is maintained by Dr Gillian Telford.
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